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Pesticide-Free, Nature-Friendly Gardening: A Simple Guide

Throughout our Pesticide Free Plymouth campaign, we’ve been exploring ways in which we can make our gardens a safe space for ALL to enjoy! At Pollenize, we believe in cultivating a harmonious relationship with the Earth, and today, we'll explore some essential techniques for pesticide-free, nature-friendly gardening.
First, please check out this fantastic video made in collaboration with Permaculture expert Tess Wilmot from Food Plymouth, who shares her sustainable gardening practices.

1. Remove Weeds Manually

Round up that Roundup! Embrace the joy of getting your hands dirty by manually pulling out weeds. This method not only avoids harmful chemicals but also allows you to learn about seedlings by closely observing and understanding your garden's ecosystem. Using simple tools like a hand fork or hoe, you can ensure that only the plants you desire are thriving in your garden.

2. Build Healthy Soil

Strong soil is the backbone of a thriving garden. By incorporating organic matter, compost, and practicing no-till gardening , you can create resilient soil that nurtures healthy, robust plants. Remember, healthy soil equates to less disease and fewer pests, reducing the need for synthetic intervention.

3. Know Your Pests

Understanding the pests in your garden opens up non-destructive solutions. Identify the insects and animals that inhabit your garden, and research their life cycles, behaviours, and natural predators. With this knowledge, you can implement strategies that control pests naturally without harming other beneficial organisms.

4. Water Accessibility

Even something as simple as a shallow bowl of water can provide a vital oasis for small creatures like birds and insects. Ensuring water accessibility encourages biodiversity in your garden, promoting a balanced ecosystem that thrives without artificial intervention.

5. Mulching

A mulch is a layer of material applied to the surface of soil. Mulching aids in moisture retention, reduces plant competition, and creates habitats for helpful organisms. By using organic mulch, you can keep the soil cool, suppress weeds, and provide nutrients as the mulch breaks down, creating a flourishing environment for plants.

6. Companion Planting

The practice of planting compatible species together encourages growth and deters pests. For example, planting basil near tomatoes can repel flies and mosquitoes, while marigolds can deter nematodes. Researching and employing these relationships can create a more harmonious garden without the use of chemicals.

7. Use Deterrents and Barriers

From the manual removal of slugs to using crushed eggshells to deter snails, there are various natural ways to protect your plants. Barriers such as row covers can keep pests off your crops without harming them, while homemade sprays with ingredients like garlic and chili can ward off unwanted insects.

8. Implement Crop Rotation

Crop rotation is a traditional method that helps balance soil nutrients and promotes vegetable growth. By rotating crops seasonally, you can prevent soil depletion and reduce disease and pest pressure. This timeless practice fosters a healthy garden without relying on synthetic fertilisers and pesticides.


Nature-friendly gardening is not just a trend; it's a philosophy and a way of life. By implementing these strategies, you can create a garden that not only produces bountiful harvests but also respects the delicate balance of nature. We are committed to sharing knowledge and promoting practices that nourish both the gardener and the Earth. We’re passionate about supporting Plymouth to becoming a pesticide-free city, please join us by signing our petition!